Now, apply those verses to yourself. The shaytan might keep whispering to you that you are not up to much and that you will never amount to much. He might even use the advertising companies to reinforce his message and make you believe that you have to conform to a certain look in order to be acceptable. As Muslims, though, we believe something different. We believe that Allah Almighty has created us as the very pinnacle of his Creation.
Believing anything else is to fall for the trick of those who want to take advantage of us. Whether we have the best trainers in the world, or no trainers at all, when our heads are bowed on the ground in prayer, we know the truth. When our foreheads are touching the ground we can’t get away from the facts. Allah has created us. Allah wills us into being every moment of every day. It is Allah who will make the sun come up for us the next morning and breathe life into our bodies once more.
The next time you pray, just take a moment to thank Allah for all of this and to thank Him that He made you just the person you are. He didn’t make any mistake. The challenge for us is to live up to all of this. And we can start by looking in the mirror and winking at the person we see. If we are good enough for Allah, we are good enough for anyone else, too!
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Allah`s will 真主的欲意和前定
Allah`s will 真主的欲意和前定

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