After finish arabic class,i head to chung hua unversity,to spent the evening with the student there,when i arrived they all start to prepare for food,some of them prepare for meat,taofu ,cutiing ,pearing ,fling etc
Before start our barbeecue,we have gathering with some taiwanese and some achenese student from Taoyuan and some of jordanian to join with us.its a wonderful time that i could not descrive for that night.i feel very happy to have a friend surround me..u dont have to pretend urself Ur pure heart at all..
感覺他們的 "熱情" 這ㄧ次不枉跑一趟 感覺了朋友之間的愛暖暖湧進了心頭
他們有一部分的人再過幾天就要回家鄉渡過漫長的齋月 部分的人再過幾個月就要回去 可能再也不會回來了
心中浮現一種淡淡的憂傷和不捨 感覺我們真的相見太晚了 早應該在兩年前就相識那該有多好
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# My Mood

About Emirates Schools مدرستي الاماراتية
My Mood
My Mood
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Hello! My name is Mohamed, I work here on my blog and I share with you all new on the internet to benefit everyone and enrich the Arabic content, I am always happy to receive your comments and inquiries through the contact form :)