ALLAH`S mercy is upon everything, is not only for the believer
but His mercy is for all the universe..
why do we still deny it?
Allah has created man and taught him knowledge.
how do we become arrogant to transgress His teaching.
If ALLAH want to punnish the Human being is too easy for Him.
just by taking away our air then human being unable to survive by themselves.
Without ALLAH we are nothing.
if we dont believe and worship ALLAH is doesn't change anything for ALLAH.
Allah will not get the benefit from the human being
whether we want to believe on Him or not..
Only human will get the benefit from ALLAH,becaz we need ALLAH sustain
ALLAH provide us the air to breath ,the water to use ,or the resource to consume.
then which of the Blessing of ALLAH will you deny?
we should thanks ALLAH For everything he gives TO us.
a good believer will thanks ALLAH,When something Good happen to him.
and when something bad happen to him ,he will keep patience and thanks to ALLAH.
he will remind himself that nothing in this life that we could take with us
after we die..we all belong to ALLAH,Oneday we will return to Him.
if you want to know who are you to ALLAH,Try to ask yourself who is Allah to you,
if you are believer then obey ALLAH..
we need to be strong and always improve our iman by add more valued substance
in our life..the best menu book for our life is Al- QURAN and sunnah
Nabi..subahanALLAH how lucky we are to born as A muslim..so what u hestitate
now..start to collect ur brick to build ur paradise now..