I found that Quran in English Translation is more interesting and meaningful than
chinese version. but my problem is that i cant 100 percent comprehend with english
structure ..I do really love to read it and make me non stop to keep further to dig
out for the following of verse that contain with the truth story that happend when
Quran has send down to our Phophet, and it also mention to the previous messenger
and bani Israil,yahudeen and nasarah..make me feel more fulfillment and give me a
clear message and complete map of the whole context of Quran ..Indeed Quran is not
just only the book that written by arabic language..but it contain with the
past ,present and the future..it a fantasy book that open ur eyes..differen time
will give u in different feeling and touched for thoese holy word...our life has
been pass for one four..the knowledge from the quran is like one drop of water in
the ocean, even we take our whole life to study it.they still not enought for
it..may ALLAH open our chest make us become steadfast for acquire for this holy
knowledge with pure intention (Iklas) and good manner (aklaq) ..