this is the first time i lived at outside alone independently ..since i was grown
up in a very conservative or the traditional muslim family..people know that my
parents wont easy to let me live outside ..after i graduated ,i consider the job
that could make me perform salat in time and noone ban for me to wearing the hijab
.even i have not got a high salary..but i felt alhumdulillah for the mercy of God
to make me not to worry too much about work and unemployee problem.. this month is
a special month for all muslim around the world ,we all celebrate fot this holy
month together, but it may will be a little bit harsh for me to carry alone my way..
i need to wake up alone to take my sohol..i felt little cold ,and sometime i felt
lonely ,i do miss my parents and both sisters alot..i miss the time when all family
sitting together and eating for hot food..i also miss the taraweeh night that i
perform salat with other muslim...after finish job at 8 pm ..i need to finish my
dinner...i am already get used to my table time..i have to bear ad get used to the
time..after trying complete the student homework in time.i cant wait to back to my
dorm and take some rest and then for the rest i will start to see something on
internet,becaz i have no tv here...seem like i was already disconnected from the
outside world now but i rarely watching tv these there is not much
affect to my life..when i have time i will read the book ,any kind of book or i
will find islamic article to read from internet...this is the part of my spiriture
nutrition..but i am hardly to find a partner to share article with me ,so i will intend to
post something on internet to share with other.. i am a study-hard women i think..
i know i am not smart like other,.but i always keep working hard for it ..i used to
dream oneday i also could benefit to other to talk with them about islam help
other and let them know how beautiful of our realigion and our deen..i dont care
about money.just dont let me worry about spending is enought for me.but i more care
about the knowledge and high spiriture in our iman..alhumdulillah ...i used to curious
and humble mind to learn for the new knowledge and never end to pursuit for the
knowledge..insha ALLAH...May ALLAH sent us hikmah, taqwa and haq to our heart
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Ramadhan kareem to all of the world
# My Mood

About Emirates Schools مدرستي الاماراتية
My Mood
My Mood
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Hello! My name is Mohamed, I work here on my blog and I share with you all new on the internet to benefit everyone and enrich the Arabic content, I am always happy to receive your comments and inquiries through the contact form :)