i cant believe that the time flying so fast..
i am checking for the name of paticipant who has join for summer camp..
most of them are kid and younger than me ten years..
something it remind me since ten years ago in the first summer camp have held
in taiwan..the first time that many youth muslim in our generation had met..
many of them now already grauduated from school and work..
some of them already married and has a new family with a child...
and now it is very importance and thats our duty to pass it
to the next generation..but seem like face for the problem that
we lost the chance to talk to our next generation..and they seem
lost their interested proud to be as a muslim..
most of them wont come to the mosque or join for the activiy be held by muslim...
they only care about the life in school and what they should pursuit
for the career after thy graduated...
its a pity of the next generation of muslim..
thats we need to concern alot for how do we build the confident
their own religion.
but it seem hard to explain to them if the parents even doesnt
feel confident , care and work hard to apply on themselves first..
i afraid to assume for this situation will happen more serious and worse
in the next ten years,,Allahu A`lam
we can only take a good care to our own family is already luck
and blessing ,,,we cant assure for the whole community..
maay ALLAH Blessing and guide for our nation
Ameen Ya rab